Friday, August 19, 2011

A Month.

Well, I really can't believe a month has passed since a very sad and memorable day. Strange how time passes both quickly and slowly, simultaneously. A lot has happened since then... lots of crying. lots of anger. my niece's 2nd birthday. a visit to see family and friends. a summer wedding reception. work. work toward organizing our home. a new place to attend church. my grandmother's 87th birthday. a small summer concert to hear a few of my favorite musicians. And buds forming on our month old (at least since we've had it) rose bush. not just any rose bush... our rose bush. In memory of our loss. In hope for new things to come.

In the meantime I have many things to be thankful for...

23. the space to cry.

24. permission to be angry.

25. Loving friends who offer comfort.

26. the cuteness that is my littlest niece!!

27. more space to cry and mourn.

28. a ride to the airport at 4:30am from my brother!

29. Savings on parking. (at the airport)

30. a safe flight to visit family.

31. A yummy breakfast at a great little restaurant when we landed.

32. Very sweet in-laws.

33. The chance to buy my husband some shoes that fit.

34. The chance to treat him (my husband) to some socks that fit too! His socks barely fit me... I don't know how he gets those over this feet everyday!

35. Seeing family we rarely see!

36. A fun time playing cards.

37. Laughing.

38. A peaceful walk with my honey through a beautiful little town.

39. A paddle boat ride down the Columbia River.

40. The wind in my face.

41. More cards to play!

42. The giggles from little girls having fun.

43. All of the support from friends and family to get ready for our reception.

44. Beautiful Decorations.

45. Yummy cake.

46. Safe arrival of other family members.

47. The chance to catch-up... talk... laugh... over drinks at a local pub.

48. A big wedding celebration with lots of friends and family. (many we hadn't seen in years!)

49. Very generous gifts!!

50. Family and Friends willing to stay and clean up!

51. Smiles from the one-year-old cutie!

52. The doggie-hotel... since I'm allergic. (He has lots of fun there playing with other dogs!)

53. A good book to read.

54. Good conversation with new family members.

55. yummy food.

56. home-made salsa and guacamole!!

57. A safe flight back home.

58. a work situation handled with few bumps.

59. going through boxes!

60. giving away to Goodwill.

61. the purchase of an inexpensive used table.

62. a place to finally put our books!!

63. my husbands love for assembling things!

64. his willingness to do dishes.

65. a supportive group to attend at church.

66. great worship.

67. great speaking.

68. more organizing!!

69. A piece of art on the wall--finally!!!

70. Finding the cutest baskets which will fit perfectly on my new shelf (for organizing!!)

71. Finally finding the bed-spread I'd like to have!!

72. My grandmother.

73. The opportunity to practice patience while waiting in line a VERY long time (45 min.) for some teenagers to finish their photo printing. (I kinda failed that opportunity... but I'm grateful for the lesson)

74. The chance to celebrate my grandma's birthday with my parents and siblings.

75. A quiet restaurant where we were able to visit with one another.

76. Thankful for my mom and dad who treated all of us to dinner and dessert!

77. blessed my grandma feels loved.

78. for a paycheck.

79. a big hug from both my nieces!!

80. The funny things kids say!!

81. The chance to see one of our favorite bands perform.

82. A lovely dinner with my husband beforehand.

83. The sweet songs.

84. So grateful it was not too loud... actually bordered on too quiet at times!! Amazing.

85. The chance to meet one of the singers afterwards.

86. Oh boy, a bathroom at a desperate hour!!! (seriously!)

87. my husband's humor.

88. a safe drive in the rental car.

89. finally getting my car all repaired and fixed up.

90. A free car wash!!

91. A compliment at work.

92. My husband getting home early.

93. A surprise with chocolate ice-cream! (yum)

94. The chance to sleep in.

95. Chatting with my brother.

96. My hard working mom.

97. the growing blooms on our rose bush.

98. anticipation of something new.

99. My husband reading a special book with me.

100. A virtual "hug" from my cousin.

101. My other cousin fixing our laptop.

102. A big hug from mom daddy.

103. A great e-mail conversation with my cousin.

104. A voice-mail from a good friend.

105. A gift in the mail.

106. The means to pay medical bills.

107. The anticipation of having my niece and nephew over for the weekend!! Such fun!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Although some days are harder than others... it's a blessing to keep going. There are always things to be grateful for. Here are a few more:

15. Hugs from my nieces.

16. A 2 year old's joy to show me her new toy!

17. homemade ice-cream.

18. the time and energy to write more thank you notes

19. a productive day at work.

20. a call from my brother.

21. a song that touched my heart.

22. a trip to look forward to.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So Sweet!

This is how my life goes...

So, some friends were meeting in old town Pasadena for a little party of sorts... at this nice little tapas bar. I decided to ride there on my bike to avoid the parking mess down there. It's only a few miles away. Already evening. I won't even break a sweat. Now, I don't want to show up in biking clothes so I decide since the ride will be so simple, that I can tuck in the cuffs of my pants... and wear a nice top and sweater. I put on a clean white sweater... thinking to myself, this trip will be simple I can wear this sweater to work tomorrow as well.

I get there... no sweat, no stains. We are all sitting around enjoying the evening--eating our tapas. I'm being very careful not to spill on myself. Leaning far over my plate, napkin on my lap. (Those of you prone to spills, you know!) All of a sudden I look over and my friend to the left of me is biting into a cherry tomato. You guessed it. It squirts out and the contents land all over the sleeve of my sweater. The one I will no longer be wearing to work tomorrow.

Made it home. Still no sweat. Still no grease stains. Only tomato. I didn't even do it to myself, somehow messes are just attracted to me!! Urgh!!

Speaking of tomatoes. We recently joined an Organic Fruit and Veggie delivery service run locally in our neighborhood... and we've had tomatoes coming out of our ears. So, I love the crock pot! I use mine on and off... currently I'm making chicken broth (in one) and slooowly cooked marinara sauce with heirloom tomatoes and red basil, among many other things (in the other). It smells so good and I can't wait to add the Italian sausage to it. Yum!

8. A big hug from a sweet little kid today.

9. My soft and comfy bed.

10. The smell of yummy food coming from my apartment when I'm still in the driveway.

11. A hug from a co-worker.

12. My kind husband who likes to talk things out.

13. The flowers (from Jon) on my bookshelf.

14. Leftovers. (skip the cooking for the night)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Well, I've been inspired by a friend. I've been inspired by this friend many times... even by this very thing... but have never had that extra little bit of something it takes to go for it. The time seems "right" this time around... so, it's my plan to begin. Begin what, you ask? Begin a gratitude journal of sorts... to begin to list all of the things for which I am grateful. In a week. Day. Hour. Moment. To count them. To remember them. To become a more grateful person. Fully reminded of all I have been blessed with in my life. My plan is to come to 1000 things by the end of the year. I hope I can reach it... I know I can if I stick to it.

Perhaps this will inspire me to blog more often. Hope so.

Gratitude for 1000 Things
1. I am grateful for great friends who love me.

2. A loving husband.

3. Supportive family who love me.

4. Friendly co-workers

5. Understanding supervisor and work environment

6. Positive feedback from a group meeting at work

7. A yummy breakfast

Friday, March 25, 2011

Back to Blogging

Hello Out There!!
It is nice to be married and getting back to life as a normal person. I have quite the list of blog-posts I'd like to write... here's to hoping I can get to them soon... for my amusement and yours.